Physical Education
Subject Overview
The aim of the PE Department is to ensure every pupil receives full access to an interesting and challenging PE Curriculum which will contribute to their physical, mental and social wellbeing and also their moral development. The department works to develop pupils’ personal qualities such as pride in one’s self, self -esteem, commitment, respect for one another, and recognising duties and responsibilities.
Pupils work on developing their interpersonal skills by working in co-operation with others in a wide range of sporting activities. These experiences teach pupils the importance of remaining physically active and understand how it positively benefits their health.
Our ambition is that we fully equip all pupils with the knowledge and tools to live a healthy and active lifestyle after they leave school. Thus, encouraging them to continue with lifelong participation, long into adulthood. All pupils also have the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular sporting activities both at a competitive and recreational level.
Key Stage 4
Throughout Key Stage 3 pupils follow a wide range of activities which allow them to experience challenge, be active, develop skills and understand how to evaluate their own and others performances. Activities studied at KS3 include Creative Dance, Netball, Gymnastics, Badminton, Swimming, Athletics, Rounders, Tennis and Health Related Fitness.
Key Stage 4 - General PE
At Key Stage 4, all pupils continue to develop their skills and understanding of Physical Education. Pupils have the opportunity to participate in activities which they have already enjoyed at Key Stage 3. There are also opportunities to try out new activities such as Zumba, Aerobics, Yoga and Fitness Training in the Fitness Suite. Our programme at KS4 aims to show pupils how they can remain physically active both inside and outside of school through a more tailored and individualised programme. All pupils at KS4 are inducted into the fitness suite which is available for use after school.
Head of Department
Miss C Malone

Key Stage 4 - GCSE PE
Pupils who wish to study this subject in more depth can choose to follow an examination course in GCSE Physical Education.
Assessment structure
Year 11 exam | 25%
Year 12 exam | 25%
Controlled Assessment | 50%
Component 1: Factors Underpinning Health and Performance
You will study how your body systems work, how to maintain good health and how lifestyle decisions can affect health. You will also study the active leisure industry.
This component is assessed in a 1 hour 15-minute written examination worth 25 percent of the overall GCSE qualification.
Component 2: Developing Performance
You will study physical fitness and its importance for health and for efficient and effective performances in your physical activities and sports. You will learn how to plan effective training programmes to develop physical fitness.
This component is assessed in a 1 hour 15-minute written examination paper worth 25 percent of the overall GCSE qualification.
Component 3: Individual Performances in Physical Activities and Sports
You must perform three physical activities or sports.
This unit is assessed using controlled assessment worth 50 percent of the overall GCSE qualification.
Employability/job opportunities/further study
PE teacher
Fitness instructor
Sports physiotherapist
Leisure centre manager
Post 16 - BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Sport and Exercise Sciences
In sixth form pupils have the opportunity to select Edexcel BTEC Sport and Exercise Sciences as a subject choice for post 16. Pupils study the following 6 Units throughout the 2-year course.
Assessment structure
BTEC Sport and Exercise Sciences is internally assessed with no external examinations.
Year 13/14 - Topics studied
Over the two years, students study the following units:
Unit 1 | Anatomy & Physiology for Sport
Unit 2 | Sport & Exercise Physiology
Unit 3 | Sport and Exercise Psychology
Unit 18 | Practical Team Sports
Unit 8 | Fitness Testing for Sport & Exercise
Unit 7 | Exercise, Health & Lifestyle
Employability/job opportunities/further study
PE teacher
Fitness instructor
Sports physiotherapist
Leisure centre manager
Post 16 Extra Curricular Activities /Trips/Industry links
We offer a variety of sporting extra-curricular activities for our pupils from Year 8- Year 14.
Extra-curricular activities include: Gaelic Football, Netball, Cross Country, Athletics, Dance and Fitness Activities.