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World Book Day 2022

We were delighted to meet some very famous fictional characters in St Mary’s as Year 8 kicked off our World Book Day celebrations in style. We had The Midnight Gang, Thing 1 and Thing 2, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Rapunzel and even the Cheshire Cat. We were totally blown away by the amazing costumes. Well done to everyone and special congratulations to our winners.

Joint First -

Vanessa Hanna as the Queen of Hearts and Fearne O'Neill as Mr Wormwood

Joint Second -

Amelia Sarwa and Rugile Kolesnikovaite as Brightstorm

Special Mentions -

Maisie Shields as The Midnight Gang

Amelia Quinn as Luna Lovegood

Elsie McKeown as Miss Honey

Keeley Messenger as The Cat in the Hat

The Alice in Wonderland team

The Matilda Team



St Mary's High School, Newry

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